Various Honors and Awards are available each year that recognize individuals, an AMVETS Post, an AMVETS Ladies Auxiliary, or a civilian firm for the greatest service and dedication to all Veterans and/or the AMVETS organization. Applications are available online by clicking the award below. Online applications will be available
January 1st - April 1st. No paper copies (old applications) will be accepted.
Did you know we have an Honors & Awards program?
By Executive Director Joe Bartley
Did you know that the IL AMVETS has an Honors and Awards Program? I would hope that all of you would say “YES” I know about that but it is surprising how many do not. If fact, I talked to the Commander of a Post and they mentioned they were working on creating an awards program to recognize their members. I asked why he didn’t submit them for the State Honors and Awards Program and he said, “you have that?” My response was look in the next edition of the newspaper for an article on the program. Prior to becoming Executive Director, I served on the State Honors and Awards Committee a couple of years and helped to evaluate the submissions. I found it amazing how many posts did not submit a single person, member, or business for any kind of award. In some cases, awards in some categories were not presented to anyone because we had no nominations.
Recognition of someone for the work they do for the post, for veterans, for the community goes a long way. A simple pat on the back or thank you lets them know you appreciate the work they do. It may also encourage others to put forth an effort so they might receive recognition in the future. So, let’s look at the awards because we are currently accepting nominations for this year’s program. Nominations will be accepted until April 1, 2025. Nominations can only be submitted electronically at https://www.ilamvets.org/honors-awards.
Various Honors and Awards are available each year that recognize individuals, an AMVETS Post, an AMVETS Ladies Auxiliary, or a civilian firm for the greatest service and dedication to all Veterans and/or the AMVETS organization.
Let’s start with the one award that we should receive a nomination from every post and that is the POST AMVET OF THE YEAR. This award is presented to one individual AMVET from each post, who in the opinion of the post, has rendered the greatest service. The is the opportunity for every Post to recognize the one member that they have that has done a great job of supporting the post. It is sad that less than half the posts submit a name for this award.
Individual (AMVETS Members) and Post Awards
This award is to be given to the individual AMVET who, in the opinion of the committee and based on the facts submitted, has rendered the greatest service to the post, district and department during the past year. Only one award will be given.
This award is to be given to the Green Hat who, in the last year, has developed and demonstrated an outstanding service project. Nominee cannot be a paid employee of AMVETS, State Officers or Committee Chairperson.
This award is to be given to the Post or Post & Auxiliary who, in the opinion of the committee based on the facts submitted, has rendered the greatest activities in improving the morale, health, living conditions and recreations of those confined in a hospital, rest home or private institution.
This award will be given to the Post & Auxiliary who, in the opinion of the committee, has participated in the greatest activities to promote loyalty to the United States, its traditions, interests or ideas.
This award will be given to the Post who, in the opinion of the committee, has participated in the greatest activities that serves the veterans, that promotes community service, that participates in a variety of activities that is aligned with the AMVETS Programs, and promotes AMVETS as an organization. There are three categories for the Commander’s Award:
Category 1: Posts with 150 members or more
Category 2: Posts with 100-149 members
Category 3: Posts will 99 or less members
One Post from each category will receive the Commander’s Award. From those three winners, a Post of the Year will be selected. All entries received will be judged for both the Commander's Award and the Post of the Year.
Scouting Awards
There are two awards given, one for a Post who contributes the most to the scouting program, and one to an individual AMVET that contributes the most.
Post - Contributions may include the sponsoring of the Scout units; individual AMVETS serving in the Scout programs; providing funds or equipment for the Scout units; and post using the Scout Program in the activities of local post for the betterment of the community.
Individual - Qualifications should include the serving as Leader or Counselor for the scout unit, committee work in the scout unit, or in the community’s programs for scouts.
This award is to be given to the Scout and/or Explorer who has been outstanding in his/her troop or post during the current year.
The Scout/Explorer will be judged on the following:
Advancement (Must be better than average)
Community Service
Outstanding contributions to the troop and/or post
Living up to the scout oath (most important)
Individual (Non AMVETS Members) and Business Awards
This award is given to an individual who is not a member of AMVETS, Ladies Auxiliary or Sons of AMVETS for their contributions to the AMVETS in general. Any AMVET Post or District may submit a nomination.
This award is to be given to the civilian firm who, in the opinion of the committee and based on the facts submitted, has made the greatest contribution to the AMVETS or veterans in general. Any AMVET Post or District may submit such nominations as they feel are qualified. All nominations must be in writing, listing the facts pertaining to the nomination in detail. One award from each District is given.
So, as you can see, we have an extensive Honors and Awards Program in the IL AMVETS. It should not be a secret. Everyone should know about what honors and awards we have in the IL AMVETS. Every Post should submit at least one (1) awards nomination and that should be for Post AMVETS of the Year. But, don’t stop there. Look around the Post and submit anyone deserving of recognition. Look around the Scouting Community and recognize a scout or scout leader. Finally, look around the community and submit an individual or business that supports your post or supports veterans. I challenge you to submit awards nominations so the committee actually has to judge entries.
Click on the award to apply!
Commander's Award & Post of the Year
Outstanding Individual Recognition Award
Outstanding Firm Recognition Award
Outstanding AMVET of the Year
Post AMVET of the Year
Peter J. McKiernan Memorial Hospital Award
Scout Achievement Award - Post
Scout Achievement Award - Individual
Scout/Explorer Award
Americanism Award
PDC Ben Flerlage Service Award