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AMVETS, which is also known as American Veterans, is the most inclusive Congressionally-chartered veterans service organization open to representing the interests of 20 million veterans and their families. We are veterans serving veterans since 1944.


Founded in 1944 and chartered by an act of Congress, the AMVETS organization has more than 250,000 members nationwide. AMVETS exists to enhance the quality of life for all veterans, their families and survivors. Membership in AMVETS is open to anyone who honorably served or is currently serving in the U.S. Armed Forces, including the National Guard and Reserves.


The AMVETS Department of Illinois was founded in 1945, and has grown to be one of the largest AMVETS chapters. Within our AMVETS family, Illinois also has the Illinois AMVETS Ladies Auxiliary, Sons of AMVETS and Sad Sacks. Our members and supporters are almost 10,000 strong and spread out from top to bottom of Illinois, with the sole purpose of helping veterans, their families and their communities. 


Illinois AMVETS is used to describe the AMVETS Department of Illinois, the Illinois AMVETS Service Foundation and the Illinois AMVETS Healthcare Facility; all three branches work to serve veterans in different capacities.

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AMVETS Department of Illinois is guided by a group of men and women who are dedicated to carrying out the AMVETS mission of improving the lives of our nation's veterans and their communities they live in. Officers are elected annual at the Convention, held in June. 


In June of 2024, AMVETS Lifetime member Laura Doss was elected as Commander. Commander Doss is active in her post, Post 100 in Jacksonville, Illinois, and throughout the state. She has moved up through the post, district and department officers before this term as commander. 

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The Illinois AMVETS Service Foundation is supported by donations collected from discarded household goods, bequests, corporate giving, and personal donations. These fundraising efforts are vital in AMVETS doing their best to support Veterans and their surrounding communities.

The foundation board primarily consists of Past Commanders of the AMVETS Department of Illinois, with the exception of three trustees. The Foundation Directors are all experienced AMVETS members and are from all over the State of Illinois. These members combine diverse backgrounds and savvy business intellect to provide the best insight on any number of issues. They ensure that certain grant requests are adequate for approval, ensure the principles of AMVETS remain the apex of the organization, and oversee the general operations of AMVETS.


Our current Illinois AMVETS Service Foundation President is Past Department Commander Steven Holt. 



The Illinois AMVETS Healthcare Facility is an arm of the Illinois AMVETS that focuses specifically on healthcare for veterans and their families.


Our current Illinois AMVETS Healthcare Facility President is Robert Dant, a Lifetime member from North Pekin Post #169. 


Illinois AMVETS Headquarters

2206 South Sixth St.

Springfield, IL 62703



Staff E-Mails:

Executive Director: Joe Bartley

Operations Manager: Ashley Murphy


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